

4 tweets


There are subset of programmers who require extensive math (A) and those who don’t (B). Both A and B are subset of programmer space (P). The tweet below says thay you can be a member of P without extensive math. If you’re good at math, this tweet shouldn’t bother you, no? :p

Muhammad Azamuddin
Muhammad Azamuddin

Sebetulnya buat jadi programmer, kita cuma butuh matematika level SD


I understand your concern, but that's not how it works. At training time, the model learns condensed representations from the dataset. It doesn’t scan anything during image generation. In fact, it doesn’t really need to store anything other than the learned model weights.

Dufan Ancol 🏄
Dufan Ancol 🏄

ai ngambil artwork dari banyak artist (tanpa izin), terus dijadiin database mereka. abis tuh, ketika ada orang yg make ai pgn bikin gambar, misal "foto ala disney di pantai" algoritma ai bakal scan database hasil curian itu, terus semacam di "kanibal" buat jadi gambar yg baru.


AI engineer here. No. Ini pemahaman keliru soal cara kerja AI. Memang ada istilah “training”. We do have “machine learning” field.


ada istilah “training AI” kita bisa bilang “si AI lagi belajar”. padahal, AI itu cuma program. sedangkan pemograman identik sama, read and write. nah faktanya.. gambar gambar yg di “train”ke AI ini tuh cuma di-scan(read) dan di-store(write) ke memory si AI.
